Ektron 9.00
Navigating a Website with Breadcrumbs
A breadcrumb displays the path to the current page, providing another type of site navigation. A site visitor can click any link in a breadcrumb trail to jump to that page. For example, if a breadcrumb trail is A > B > C > D > E, a site visitor can click B and jump directly to that page.
You can create breadcrumbs based on either a site visitor's navigation history or the sitemap of your website.
NOTE: There is no setup in the Workarea for history breadcrumbs.
To create a history breadcrumb trail, you place a BreadCrumb server controla server control uses API language to interact with the CMS and Framework UI to display the output. A server control can be dragged and dropped onto a Web form and then modified. on each Web form on which you want to display the trail. (To ensure that a breadcrumb trail appears on each Web page, add a BreadCrumb server control to every Web form in your site.)
Sitemap breadcrumbs always show the same path to a page, regardless of how it was reached. You can use sitemap breadcrumb information to deploy a site map.
Because you determine the organization of a sitemap breadcrumb, you must define the trail in the Workarea. To do that, see Creating a Sitemap Breadcrumb Trail.
See the FolderBreadcrumb server controla server control uses API language to interact with the CMS and Framework UI to display the output. A server control can be dragged and dropped onto a Web form and then modified. about how to place a sitemap breadcrumb on a template.
Determine which topics should appear on a Sitemap Breadcrumb trail for content in a folder. A trail typically consists of topics that introduce a folder's content, but you can create any sequence that makes sense. For example, on a university website, content that describes the women's swimming team has this trail: Home > Athletics > Women's Athletics > Swimming.
A folder can inherit a sitemap breadcrumb path from its parent, or you can break inheritance and assign it a unique path.
.WARNING! Clicking the Remove button deletes the breadcrumb item. See Also: Removing a Sitemap Breadcrumb Item