What is a Nutrition Support Professional?

Nutrition support professionals (NSP) are dietitians, nurses, pharmacists, physicians, advanced practice providers, or other healthcare providers who are specialists in providing and managing enteral and parenteral nutrition in diverse patient populations, from pediatrics to geriatrics. They work independently or as part of a nutrition support team in a variety of settings, including hospitals, home care agencies, long-term care facilities, research facilities, and academia. 

NSPs utilize approved standards and guidelines to deliver enteral and parenteral care to patients. They learn through on-the-job training and by networking with other NSPs and organizations such as ASPEN. Many take a certification examination to solidify their credentials in nutrition support and advance in their careers.

Continuing education is crucial to the practice of nutrition support therapy. One of the best ways to accomplish this is to join a nutrition support professional organization like ASPEN. ASPEN provides various continuing education opportunities, including conferences, peer-reviewed journals, and online learning to help NSPs stay up to date on the latest nutrition research and best practices. ASPEN also offers leadership and volunteer roles as well as opportunities to network with others in the field.

Roles of Nutrition Support Professionals

Multiple healthcare practitioners are involved in the delivery of nutrition support. Their unique contributions are outlined below.



Nutrition support physicians lead the nutrition care implementation structure. These physicians must be familiar with all aspects of nutrition care, including patient screening, assessment, diagnosis, development and implementation of a nutrition care plan, patient monitoring, and termination of therapy. Nutrition support physicians may oversee the nutrition care provided by physician assistants, nurse practitioners, dietitians, nurses, and pharmacists, and also engage in all aspects of the direct care of patients’ nutrition needs as indicated.

Physician Assistants

Physician Assistants (PA) are nationally certified, state-licensed medical professionals. PAs practice medicine on healthcare teams with physicians and other providers. They practice and prescribe medication in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and all U.S. territories with the exception of Puerto Rico. PAs can practice in specialty areas or primary care and are able to prescribe nutrition support therapy along with medications, treatments, and diagnostic tests related to nutrition support therapy. 

Nurse Practitioners

Nurse Practitioners (NP) are nationally certified, state-licensed, advanced practice nurses. Not all nutrition support nurses are nurse practitioners, although many are. Nurse practitioners can practice in specialty areas or primary care and are most often able to prescribe nutrition support therapy along with medications, treatments, and diagnostic tests. They also participate in transition of care planning. 


The primary roles of nutrition support dietitians are to conduct individualized nutrition screening and assessment, develop and implement a nutrition care plan, monitor the patient’s response to the nutrition care delivered, and develop a transitional feeding care plan or termination of nutrition support as appropriate.


Nutrition support pharmacists prepare the parenteral nutrition formulation prescribed and provide direct patient care. In addition, they may manage the nutrition support program and improve quality by educating other healthcare professionals, students, patients, and caregivers. Many pharmacists also conduct research or participate in research activities.


The responsibilities of a nutrition support nurse vary with the practitioner’s educational background, position, and practice environment. The scope of practice includes, but is not limited to, the following: directing patient care including nutrition screening and assessment, intravenous and enteral access, education of patients and caregivers, and participation in research activities.

Related Links

What is Nutrition Support Therapy?
Volunteer Opportunities