Letter from the Chair



Press Room
 Letter from the Chair
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Kelly CorkinsHello,

 Since Clinical Nutrition Week, the Pediatric Section has been busy. As a section, we submitted some proposals for the ASPEN Nutrition Science and Practice Conference 2018 (formerly known as Clinical Nutrition Week). One proposal we submitted with the Nursing Section. We tried to work with some other sections, but time got away.

ASPEN has worked with section leaders and the Pediatric Section now has a Leadership Council. Members of the Pediatric Leadership Council are:
Steve Plogsted, Chair-Elect
Ruba Abdelhadi
Allison Blackmer
Petrea Cober
John Kerner
Celina Scala

We tried to include representation from multiple disciplines and since the team will be on a rotation, I know the future leaders will try to maintain representation from multiple disciplines. The council has had a conference call and has started working together. I am excited to what new ideas everyone has. As always, please email me with your thoughts and ideas or find me on the LinkedIn page.

One of the ideas that came out of the call was including a review article in the future newsletters. We hope to pair an experienced writer with someone who would like to gain writing experience. If you are interested in writing for the newsletter, please email me with your area of interest and if your are experienced or not.

The school year is wrapping up and summer vacations are near. I hope everyone is safe and has fun with family during the summer

Kelly Green Corkins, MS, RD, LDN, CNSC

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