Harry M. Vars and Promising Investigator Awards

General Overview 

  • Recognizes and honors an Early Career Investigator (within 10 years of completing a terminal research degree, medical residency, or end of post-graduate clinical training and must be at a career level of assistant professor (or the equivalent) or lower) who has submitted a top-scoring original abstract and demonstrates excellence via a manuscript and oral presentation at the ASPEN Nutrition Science & Practice Conference Premier Paper Session. 
  • The runner-up to the Vars Award winner is the Promising Investigator Award winner.

Eligibility Criteria and Responsibilities

  • The presenting author is an Early Career Investigator (he/she is within 10 years of completing a terminal research degree, medical residency, end of post-graduate clinical training; must be at a career level of assistant professor (or the equivalent) or lower; and is the primary contributor to the research represented in the abstract.
  • The presenter must not have obtained funding (other than career development awards/young investigator awards) from a large governing research body such as the NIH or equivalent in the US or another country. Please check the NIH list to verify US affiliated awards
  • The presenting author is specified at the time of abstract submission and must be listed as the first author in the author list.
  • A manuscript based on the candidate’s abstract will be produced and submitted to JPEN prior to the stated submission deadline. 
  • All candidates will attend the ASPEN Nutrition Science & Practice Conference to present their abstract in the Premier Paper Session.
  • All candidates must also attend the Rhoads Lecture and Awards Ceremony in preparation for the Vars Award or Promising Investigator Award recipient announcement. 
Please download the complete Harry M Vars Award and Promising Investigator Award Criteria and Responsibilities document for all details!

View the 2024 Harry M. Vars Award Winner, Promising Investigator Award Winner, and Vars Candidates